Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thank you's
Is this a big girl or what? She picked out her own note cards, and is writing thank you notes. It is going to take a while, as her little hand get's tired, but she is so excited to do them :) I know it is something so silly to be proud of, but i am. She looks so grown up sitting there writing her notes!
I will post some pics later tonight. Monkey has his next belt test this afternoon. Cross your fingers, some of the words and phrases are hard. he's got the moves down easily though. Watch out world, i've got a bodyguard!
Monday, September 28, 2009
the weather
I am so tired of the weather here. It is so hot, and muggy. I swear it is cooler in the middle east than here, and i can say that as a fact. It should be nearly sweater weather!! Not 94 degrees outside, it's fall people, come on... I want to wear my sweaters, and feel the fall breeze. I don't want my glasses to fog up when i go outside. This climate here is for the birds, but even they leave. Monkey and midget want snow, good luck sweeties. It happened last year, so it won't again until your 20.
I'm rather grumpy missing my hubby. This being apart is for the birds. Towing the line with no help from people stinks!! I've had the car die, the fence fall, lights break, and heaven knows what i am forgetting. Thank God for Bob. He's rescued me more than i can say. He's been great for the kids. Sheldon too, he's keeping the kids company. We love our kitty to pieces. Midget nearly does literally. :)
Off to pick the kiddo's up from school. Midget has ballet, and monkey has a belt test this week. So we are practicing our korean for the belt test. How amazing is it, my son knows some french from kuwait and private school, arabic from kuwait of course, spanish from the public schools here. Plus the basic korean phrases for his belt tests. Amazing, and he just picks up on it so easy. It's crazy! In a good way of course.... He doens't realize how much that could help him later in life yet.
I still say arabic and spanish, very similar....
I'm rather grumpy missing my hubby. This being apart is for the birds. Towing the line with no help from people stinks!! I've had the car die, the fence fall, lights break, and heaven knows what i am forgetting. Thank God for Bob. He's rescued me more than i can say. He's been great for the kids. Sheldon too, he's keeping the kids company. We love our kitty to pieces. Midget nearly does literally. :)
Off to pick the kiddo's up from school. Midget has ballet, and monkey has a belt test this week. So we are practicing our korean for the belt test. How amazing is it, my son knows some french from kuwait and private school, arabic from kuwait of course, spanish from the public schools here. Plus the basic korean phrases for his belt tests. Amazing, and he just picks up on it so easy. It's crazy! In a good way of course.... He doens't realize how much that could help him later in life yet.
I still say arabic and spanish, very similar....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
i love craigslist
Since getting sheldon, our super=small laundry room had become a problem. There was not room for his throne, a washer and a dryer, a person and the doors to open. So we had togo stackable. Which has been great. The kids will never be able to help with the laundry, the dryer is the perfect height for me, but not the little ones. They like to try to help now, oddly enough. So i sold the old set on craigslist. Gone in 2 hours!! Love it!! It was a deal, but still.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
They partied like the rock stars they are :)
Before the party, the hat i don't like for some wasn't ours. They brought dress up for the girls.
Midgets birthday party was yesterday, and they all had so much fun!! They did karaoke, and some of them were really getting into it! It was so funny to watch. She had the best time ever she said. We had the hot pink carpet going up the walk way, and uncle Bob was security :) He even wore his security shirt. My mom came, although i think the music was a litle loud for her, and she was out of her element. But she liked seeing midget with all her friends. So here is a ton of pics! Uncle Bob took the most, of the cake and all. But something was wrong with his memory card. So we will add those later :(
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Midget's room
So we did the cool guys little room. He loves it So naturally, we had to do hers too ) It's so much fun having a little girl. Although i loved making his room so cool. The stripes were his idea :) So first she wanted pink, totally not her, but i thought hey, ok. She's changing and growing. Maybe she likes pink, all her friends do. We painted pink, well it came out awful. She then says i like purple still, i'm sorry. It needed another coat, so we went with tried and true purple. It is so her, and she loves it. She has pretty fairy sheets, and a purple duvet. She says her bed feels like a cloud, and it is awesome. The really cool thing about her room is her stuff. She has so many things that are sentimental. My daddy just passed away, although he was gone long before. The picture above her bed he gave to me when i was little. It's a little girl with glasses holding a frog. He said it reminded him of me. So, it is over her bed. The fairy pic is from my mom, we got it at the nutcracker market. The embroidered prayer is from her dad's grandma. It is one of my favorite's. The dolls on the shelf are from her dad's dad, and my mom, and the one with glasses was made for me from a cousin. So many special little things, her boxes from kuwait. Crown from disney. I need to get monkey some shelves for his treasures. He has tons also, he's sentimental like me.
purple room,
Midget lost hr front tooth!!
Midget's front tooth has been loose for a while, but it fell out this morning!! When she woke up it was so loose it just fell out. So she has a toothless front smile, and it's adorable. She say's the tooth fairy is going to give her 5,000 dollars. Right....
Please excuse the eye's closed, non-brushed teeth smile, she was just so happy she came running downstairs the second she woke up :)

Please excuse the eye's closed, non-brushed teeth smile, she was just so happy she came running downstairs the second she woke up :)

no front teeth
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Birthday Girl...

Monkey has had a rough week. She hasn't felt well most of it, and has been pretty grumpy. We've been getting some work done in the house, and that hasn't helped any. It will really be worth it in the end though. I will post pics when we are done :)
Yesterday was her 7th birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is 7! She has grown up way too fast. But with her age comes so many new things we can do together. She loves to help me cook, and is such a little nurterer. She wants to help with everything and everyone, sometimes too much ;) We went to eat at Joe's Crab Shack with the neighbor kids for her bday dinner. She loves crab legs, and so does midget. The neighbor girl had never had any, i have to say sorry to her parents, she loves them too... We went to get baskin robbins for dessert, so she was thrilled! On her bday day, she loved her presents. The best being a little bistro table and tea set. She adores it, and it's wrought iron and wood, so someday she can pass that on to her own kids. I can even sit in teh chairs, and we've had tea parties already :) She had a bday party to go to for a friend from her class last year. We gave the day to her friend, so that we could have all teh firends come, and not have to divide the group. So our party is next weekend. This group of girls go to all of each others parties. Her friends bday was friday, so her party was at an art place, and lots of fun. Then we had a neighbors graduation party last night. long day, but fun!
Monday, September 7, 2009
So we have been working to get ready for midget's bday party. She is so excited! These are the invites, how cute are they? On the back it has all her party info, and another pic of her in the star shape. She is so proud of them, and is wearing hers around the house all the time! She's got her big flufy pettiskirt that is black and hot pink, and is ready to sing her little heart out ith all her friends. I'm just worried we will run out of room! Her daddy's best friend is going to bethe boncer at the door, and we are even going to have hot pink carpet to walk up on the sidewalk. I love bday parties :) Karaoke, cool music, disco balls = happy bday girl :)
Her brother is all set to help out too, cause you know he is extra cool, and knows all the good music and has promised to hook her up. Whatever that means to a 10 yr old, talking to a 6 yr old. I am afraid the hanna montana is going to be an issue, and he might be beaten by the girls.... could be funny to see. It could also end tragically...
Sheldon the super cat is doing well, and is loved by us all. He's finacky and moody, but lovable too. He tolerates carriage rides to the best of his ability. He likes the purple cheetah mama cape midget puts on him for some reason...
we are all feeling better here, minus midgets nose. it is just gross...she's wiped it so much she has a nasty sore under it. Out today i felt like i needed to tell people she isn't always like that :)
We had a fun day visiting with family and friends and accomplished alot. Monkey picked out her bday present, and he did so good. He's so sweet to her, and they love each other, sometimes :)
The cat picture is him sleeping at 730, after waking me up at 5. he goes back to sleep and i can't....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
sunday blah's
We've been in the house for 2 days now.... monkey and i have headache's, and the midget has a bad cold. Got to love back to school.... they should just call it back to the germs. People are getting edgy in here. Hopefully we will all be well enough tomorrow for some family fun time :)
What a week...
What a week...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This wacky weather is killing us all here. Midget's nose is running at night, but not the day thank goodness. Midget's got a headache, i've got a headache off and on for a couple days now. It's not making for a very chipper house. Thank goodness we have a holiday monday.
We're going to hang out with some family, should be fun. A nice break from the new school year. The kids are doing great.
Monkey has been doing great in his new gt classes. Not sure how gt they really are, but he is doing great. He loves his new teacher. He still wants to go back to kuwait. His new realization for that is that he wants to go to M.I.T. He has heard it's hard to get into and thinks that the schools over there would be more impressive. m Which is true i suppose, being trilingual wouldn't hurt either. Just saying dear.... :)
Midget wants to go back to see her one true love, mushari. She is going to have 3 daughters with him. A set of twins, and one more. They are going on the disney cruise also when they grow up and have this lovely family. I'm afraid the poor boy has no idea :)
We're going to hang out with some family, should be fun. A nice break from the new school year. The kids are doing great.
Monkey has been doing great in his new gt classes. Not sure how gt they really are, but he is doing great. He loves his new teacher. He still wants to go back to kuwait. His new realization for that is that he wants to go to M.I.T. He has heard it's hard to get into and thinks that the schools over there would be more impressive. m Which is true i suppose, being trilingual wouldn't hurt either. Just saying dear.... :)
Midget wants to go back to see her one true love, mushari. She is going to have 3 daughters with him. A set of twins, and one more. They are going on the disney cruise also when they grow up and have this lovely family. I'm afraid the poor boy has no idea :)
plans...and headahces.
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