Why can't it be Friday yet? This week is just dragging on and on.. Last night Monkey was in a foul mood, and that sure does make a night drag on. I think he was tired, so he seemed better this a.m. They have the science portion of the taks test today. He said it was "stupid easy". I don't quite get that, but o.k. The end of the year seems to take alot out of all of us. I can't wait for the summer!
We are getting our patio extended today. We need more room than our little 8 by 8 slab of concrete. Of course monkey had to ask if they can build a ramp on the end. So don't tell dad, but midget and I have big plans with a hammock at target. shhhhh...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My beautiful ballerina

We had ballet recital pics yesterday. Torture... 2 hours we were there. There were grumpy girls everywhere, and bossy moms. I hope they got some good ones. One poor girl had a bracelet on, and the teacher said no jewelry. I get that, she wanted them all to look the same. So she told the girl to take it off, she said no. This brought the mom in, poor woman. She told her mom no, then the teacher helpers. It ended up 5 minutes with all the other girls waiting in this akward pose to get their group picture taken for the girl to get it off. She was then crying so she will be all red and puffy. She really liked that bracelet. I felt so sorry for her mom, she was so embaressed. Midget didn't want to wear her glasses, so i was worried her eyes were going to go crossed. Luckily the photgrapher and teacher noticed, so they had her look a way they weren't. Her friend was so tired she wouldn't smile. Oh my gosh, they should just hand out prozac or midol at the door. Poor monkey had to sit and wait through all of it, luckily he was being patient.
She looked absolutely beautiful, and loved her costume. I think they even got a good picture of her on her toes, so she is thrilled.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

We had a busy day yesterday! I took Monkey to the skatepark as a reward for his super-awesome report card. He had so much fun. Those skateboarder kids are so nice. They all help each other out, and teach each other tricks. The shop there even had the shoes he's been dying for. Blue Lakai, not sure if I spelled it right or not. The boy is the Imelda Marcos of shoes. He's got more than I do now. It must be a skatebarder thing, he wants all these colorful shoes, and even looks online. A little strange, but all the others were just like him there. So i'm feeling a little better about it. I was a little concerned... :) We found out they are also having a skate camp this summer, so I think if he keeps up the good work we will sign him up.
Midget wanted to see a movie, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. She has been reading the books. The consensus was, not a good movie. The kids said all kinds of negative things, and it just didn't translate well to a movie. I felt bad for her, she was so looking forward to it. She ended up with a good day though, her daddy sent her flowers. She likes that :)
We have the last leg of the TAKS next week. Then there will only be 4 weeks left i believe. We got her recital costume last week. It is so beautiful, and she looks amazing in it. A little too grown up, I wasn't ready for that. Sometimes i forget how old she is, and think she is still my little baby girl. But she is almost 8. WWAAHHH.....
It was so sad the other day the weather was all wacky and I had a terrible headache. So i broke out the stand by meal of frozen pizza. Personally, i love red baron frozen pizza. The kids, not so much. I convinced midget it was so much better with green olives. So she wanted to help cut them. That made it s fabulous meal all of the sudden. All beacuase she cut the olives. So i let her use a real knife, as long as i could help her hold it. She thought she was a gourmet chef. Yelling at her brother to come watch, and could i please take a picture to put on here. So cute... so here is her pic of her cutting the olives... Now i need to go hide all the knives before she loses a finger trying to "help" without my knowwing.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
good grades!!
He did it! My little man got all A's, and this is the kicker, all E's in conduct!! I don't think it gets any better than that. Oh, but wait, i'm going to brag, cause it does.... He also got his scores from the Taks, test, and he got a 98 on the math, and a 96 on the reading. So he is commended on both! I still despise the test, and think it is way to easy, but since he did good on it, i will brag anyway. I'm his mom, it's what i do :) My little princess got all A's, and S's. No E's at her grade yet. She brought her 88 in math up to a 90. IT's so cute, she said "did i get all a's like he did?". She was thrilled to have a number grade this year, and to have it be A's like his, was just the thing to make her happy. So we will spend the weekend celebrating! It's nice to have good news sometimes :)
I have pictures on my camera, but i have been booted from my laptop by my son. So they will have to wait. Just wanted to post our awesome news on here. Now to pry them off the laptop and into bed. This gloomy weather again makes me sleepy!
I have pictures on my camera, but i have been booted from my laptop by my son. So they will have to wait. Just wanted to post our awesome news on here. Now to pry them off the laptop and into bed. This gloomy weather again makes me sleepy!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This month has gone by pretty fast! Doesn't seem like it during the day, but now it does. We get report cards on Thursday. Somehow my son has turned his ways at school and is likely going to get all A's again, and all E's in conduct! This is going to cost me a trip to the skate park. Midget is also going to get her good report card, they don't get regular grades yet. She is going to do really well though, she wouldn't allow anything else. She chooses a movie, much easier on me. I'm excited to take him to the skate park though, he has so much fun there.
5 weeks and 3 days, not that i am counting down until the summer.....
But sleeping in a bit would be nice!!
5 weeks and 3 days, not that i am counting down until the summer.....
But sleeping in a bit would be nice!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
only here
would you see this walking down a neighborhood street. There were actually two, and they pooped all over our street!!
We went to see midget's little show last night. I mean little. We spent 20 minutes parking, to see her sing 2 little songs. It was so crowded, and they actually asked you to leave if your child was done singing so others could see theirs. They really didn't plan for the growth the school has had. She had fun though, and it was really cute.
Monkey was glad to see his former teacher. He was the one who took the pictures for me, as i was too tall and blocked the others views. He did pretty good. He's been doing so good in school. He has been the teachers helper in 2 of the classes. He's even made his teachers power point presentations for them. How funny is that? My little Bill Gates :)
Here is a pic of a tomato plant in our garden. It has some little ones on it already!!

Monkey was glad to see his former teacher. He was the one who took the pictures for me, as i was too tall and blocked the others views. He did pretty good. He's been doing so good in school. He has been the teachers helper in 2 of the classes. He's even made his teachers power point presentations for them. How funny is that? My little Bill Gates :)
Here is a pic of a tomato plant in our garden. It has some little ones on it already!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
waiting, waiting, waiting
I'm still waiting for hubby to give us some news. Hopefully good news! Midget is singing at school tonight. They gave us no notice, so absurd. It's not like we wouldn't want family to come. It's only two songs, and the parking is a total nightmare. Their poor little school is way to crowded. From what i hear, they will be laying people off too. How? I mean the classes are too big already. Makes no sense.
Still playing with my photoshop. I've gotten a bit better. Being the nerd i am i went and got a book. Thank you for the encouragment Polly!!
Still playing with my photoshop. I've gotten a bit better. Being the nerd i am i went and got a book. Thank you for the encouragment Polly!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
icky day..
You know it's not going to be a good day when you wake up, it's raining and you have a splitting headache. Love the weather here, 49 to 80 in the same day.
It's not going to be a good day either when the 7 yr old is crying because she can't cut her pancake right, the pieces look ugly.. what in the world??? Calgon.....please? Can we have a do over?
It's not going to be a good day either when the 7 yr old is crying because she can't cut her pancake right, the pieces look ugly.. what in the world??? Calgon.....please? Can we have a do over?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Am i that old now??
I have seen all these adorable pictures where people turn certain parts colors, and the rest black and white. I have always wanted to learn to do it. So since i have gotten pretty good with picassa, i decided how hard can it be? HA!! Hubby tried to warn me, it isn't as easy as it seems. So i took his advice, tossed it, and got adobe photo shop elements anyway.
HUBBY, Stop reading this now.
omg, this is so complicated! I will, learn to do this, because he can't win.. But, there are layers, and all kinds of nonsense. I must get a book. To pour salt on my wounds, Monkey can use it. He took a pic of himself, and cut the whole background out, and put a sky behind him, so he looks like he is up in the clouds. Am i so old my child can now do things on the computer? I can't deal with that, so i must learn to do this!!
HUBBY, i can use the program fine, it's great ;)
HUBBY, Stop reading this now.
omg, this is so complicated! I will, learn to do this, because he can't win.. But, there are layers, and all kinds of nonsense. I must get a book. To pour salt on my wounds, Monkey can use it. He took a pic of himself, and cut the whole background out, and put a sky behind him, so he looks like he is up in the clouds. Am i so old my child can now do things on the computer? I can't deal with that, so i must learn to do this!!
HUBBY, i can use the program fine, it's great ;)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
study study
Well, monkey had the dreaded TAKS test Tues. and Wed. I had volunteered to help out as the school was short staffed. So I had to go to training, and sign a oath saying i wouldn't speak or cheat with the little test takers. I was an essential part of the test, a potty monitor. How funny is that? An oat and training to sit on a chair outside the bathrooms! I sat next to a very dull technology woman, who was not so friendly. I think i found out why talking to monkey. Apparently, my son, who is a know it all, just like his dad, helped her. This translated in lamen turns is a 1o year old told a grown woman how to do her job. She was doing something and her printer did not work, so he "helped" her. He made it work, in front of everyone. Not good... So i think i was tained by association.
Yesterday i had a great time. Funny.. They have a very funny gym teacher, and his music teacher. They love monkey, say he is a super smart kid, and like to raz him. His music teacher is actually in a rock band, and have evenplayed [with Linkin Park. How cool is that??
It's funny to see the different sized kids. Little ones, some looked 16. Strange. It's only two grades, but they are all sizes. I'm glad to know though, my little man talks nice about me, and his friends all said hi. Some i didn't even know said hey, you are monkey's mom! Nice, guess that makes me cool, since they said it like it's a good thing. Now all the teachers... another story :)
Yesterday i had a great time. Funny.. They have a very funny gym teacher, and his music teacher. They love monkey, say he is a super smart kid, and like to raz him. His music teacher is actually in a rock band, and have evenplayed [with Linkin Park. How cool is that??
It's funny to see the different sized kids. Little ones, some looked 16. Strange. It's only two grades, but they are all sizes. I'm glad to know though, my little man talks nice about me, and his friends all said hi. Some i didn't even know said hey, you are monkey's mom! Nice, guess that makes me cool, since they said it like it's a good thing. Now all the teachers... another story :)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!!
Happy Easter!! We dyed eggs, and all the obligitory easter fun things. :) I had tied strings from their rooms, to their baskets all over the house last year. Well midget wanted to know what i was going to do this year.. Darn creative things, i should have just shoved them on the table. So i had googled fun ideas, and we ended up with a scavenger hunt. I put clues all over the house. Midget loved it, monkey thanked me later :) We went to my mom's house and had some lunch. It has been a nice low key day.
on a side nots, i will NEVER ever, get the stringy stuff for the baasket. It is now all over my floor. Monkey got skate stuff, and midget got her just like me american girl doll. They are thrilled with their loot.
Also my mom has been going through some of my grandma's things. She found the most beautiful ring my grandma had in an envelope for me. It was my great grandma's ring, but it is in little girls size. It is a bit big for Midget, but so pretty. She loves it.
We went to the beach/skatepark on Friday. It was a neat one, with some ramps and things that were easy for monkey. Midget liked the sand, but it was way too windy. It was good for him to try some new things though. She had fun taking pics of him.
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