So midget has had horse camp this week, and is in heaven. She reads all her horse books, watches her horse movies, likes horses on her clothes.... you get the idea. So to spend her days surrounded by them, and getting to ride them, is putting her in her happy place :) She is doing really well, and looks so at home up there on the horses. We got her a private lesson after camp today and tomorrow, anad i got to watch and take pictures.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Horses, horses, horses...
I don't think a little girl can smile any bigger than this...

So midget has had horse camp this week, and is in heaven. She reads all her horse books, watches her horse movies, likes horses on her clothes.... you get the idea. So to spend her days surrounded by them, and getting to ride them, is putting her in her happy place :) She is doing really well, and looks so at home up there on the horses. We got her a private lesson after camp today and tomorrow, anad i got to watch and take pictures.
So midget has had horse camp this week, and is in heaven. She reads all her horse books, watches her horse movies, likes horses on her clothes.... you get the idea. So to spend her days surrounded by them, and getting to ride them, is putting her in her happy place :) She is doing really well, and looks so at home up there on the horses. We got her a private lesson after camp today and tomorrow, anad i got to watch and take pictures.
Sk8r Boy
Monkey got some new trucks yesterday, and was thrilled with how they worked. He got some wax too, and apparently that helped his boardslide?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Summertime fun...
Finally, the recital and all the drama it entails is over. We are from here on out on a mission. My mission is to avoid all drama, and to make sure my kids have a nice, stress-free summer. We spent yesterday swimming with friends, and playing video games together. Today my sweet girl went to horse camp. She is so at home up there, and loves it so much. It's great to see her have some fun after the rough weekend she had. A nice relaxing time.
The countdown is on for dad to come home. We have a small party with friends planned a bit after he gets home. Alot of his old friends are coming for it. They are all excited, as these guys are like brothers to each other. They almost all have kids now, so that will be fun to see them all together.
The countdown is on for dad to come home. We have a small party with friends planned a bit after he gets home. Alot of his old friends are coming for it. They are all excited, as these guys are like brothers to each other. They almost all have kids now, so that will be fun to see them all together.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Recital Day
My sweet girl had her recital yesterday. It was at a much bigger place than she is used to having it at. Once we got there she was very nervous. We left here at 715 to drop monkey off at my mom's house. That was a life saver, he would have been miserable there for so long. We were at the convention center from 930 until 730 at night. It was a long day, but well worth it. The girls have so much fun backstage anyway. This place had huge rooms for each group, so that was alot nicer than being in a school cafeteria. I took video of the dress rehearsal,so i didn't get any pics this time. Lugging all her stuff in by myself, and trying to run to be with her and get the pics and videos was too hard. So i decided she was the priority and let the stress go of trying to do it all. She had more fun that way, and i think i did too. Next year she has promised her daddy they are going to do a daddy daughter dance. Here are some of the pics from backstage, and i will have to figure out how to get the video on here too :) I'm sure my tech support son knows how!
Friday, June 25, 2010
We are super-busy right now. Tomorrow is midget's recital and then camp. Things will slow down then, right? Here is a pic of her in her new glasses, she loves them. and of course, monkey and Sheldon hamming it up :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Eh...the summer
What is wrong with summer TV? Do these people not know that i can stay up now a little later? Do they not realize i can be awake past 9 now, and not have to dvr all the shows? It's so sad, now that i can manage to be awake, and i don't have to get up at 530, nothing is on!! All that is on is America's got talent, which, no - not really. There are a few house hunters, but the people do pick the wrong houses it seems. That annoy's me.. Can they not hear me telling them which one? Can someone listen to me sometime? Yes, True Blood is on, but ok that i do have to DVR and watch early before the kids get up. Last thing i need is the two lovelies watching vampire porn, which lets be honest, it so is. I guess it's a matter of do you go for the incredibly hot (soory sweetie) 6 ft 8 or however tall is hunky blond, or the ever so sweet, old romance novel southern drawl of the other. Which by the way, i heard him in an interview, he has a foreign british or australian accent?? What the heck is that? How do these actors do that, i mean they have a british accent, and fake a southern while talking in english? Crazy...
We had a friend sleep over, and that was fun for the kids. Then we went and took him home. He has the most adorable, sorry paulie, they are girls :) little twin girls. ACK, i was holding one and she was so light and delicate. She made little jibber jabber noises, and was playing with my charm bracelet and midgets shoes. I think my ovaries were trying to jump out and grab her. But two, it was just too cute. And to watch monkey with them, it was too much. He loves superbaby M, but he's a boy, and so it's boy time. But with the girls, he was so soft, and completely whooped. IT was so sweet. Sometimes watching him makes me tear up, he's getting so big. He can be so sweet sometimes. but then, they start fighting and it's all back to reality :)
We had a friend sleep over, and that was fun for the kids. Then we went and took him home. He has the most adorable, sorry paulie, they are girls :) little twin girls. ACK, i was holding one and she was so light and delicate. She made little jibber jabber noises, and was playing with my charm bracelet and midgets shoes. I think my ovaries were trying to jump out and grab her. But two, it was just too cute. And to watch monkey with them, it was too much. He loves superbaby M, but he's a boy, and so it's boy time. But with the girls, he was so soft, and completely whooped. IT was so sweet. Sometimes watching him makes me tear up, he's getting so big. He can be so sweet sometimes. but then, they start fighting and it's all back to reality :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Off we go
Midget's eye appt is today. After we are going to the super neat park in downtown. I think there is going to be so big bribery involved. She has to get them diolated this time, if i remeber correctly. Which I am hoping i am not... Monkey is going with us, and as much as they fight and argue, he is the one who can calm her down on these things. Boy, can they fight... It's funny though, as much as they fight, as soon as i stop to seperate them, it's we are fine.. please don't. Funny...
We have one more dance class before her recital. Which is going to be an all day afair again. She's so excited about though, so i can't be too annoyed. It's just adorable watching her practice at home.
We are going to go, and i hope this goes well. Then we will get her new glasses ordered. It's so hard to pick them out!
We have one more dance class before her recital. Which is going to be an all day afair again. She's so excited about though, so i can't be too annoyed. It's just adorable watching her practice at home.
We are going to go, and i hope this goes well. Then we will get her new glasses ordered. It's so hard to pick them out!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I think we have a case of the Monday's in our house. I've just spent 45 minutes trying to find and print a copy of our insurance cards. we have an appt for midget's eye exam tomorrow, and i realized we will get the shakedown for the card, that i don't have when we get there. They are also kind enough to request you not bring other kids under 12 with you. Since no one is knocking down our doors to watch monkey, they will have to deal with it. They are worried about the flu, i suppose trying to stop what happened last year. Which is good i suppose..
Both the little ones are grumpy, which i suppose is contagious. I think we need to get out and have some fun, or ww3 is going to break out, and we aren't allowed to lock them in closets. Yesterday was fun though. They swam and swam, and i grilled chicken. It's a little black on one side... but i see why people like to grill so much. I can sit on my hammock while it cooks, and they swim. Life is good like that :)
p.s. Hubby that water is blue....
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Summer is definately here. So is the humidity, the ants, the flies, and the wasps. But, it's all good still :) The kids have been spending every day in the pool, and so have I :) It's so hot, how can we not? We've had chalk drawing, some friends over to swim alot too. So it's off to a good start.
We've gotten all the report cards in, and they both did so great. I could not be any prouder of them. So we now have, sniff sniff... a second grader, and a, i can't even say it- a sixth grader. This is hard for me to believe! I mean, 6th grade. I remember life in the 6th grade. Scary!
We went to see the new Karate Kid movie. I can't remember who, but someone was saying it wasn't going to be good, that Will Smith paid to get his kid into it, and that's why they made it. I was of the midset, it had to be good, or they wouldn't have put the kid in it. I was right, such a great movie!! I cried, i laughed, and at times the whole audience actually was clapping. Now that, is a good movie for that response. I dare say, it might have been better than the first one. I love Jackie Chan though. He was great, and that little Jaden Smith, he is going to be big i think. He was great. The kids both loved it.
We are gearing up for more activities. Horse camp is coming up. Midget is beside herself. Daddy sent her a book, and me a book on how to deal with a horse loving kid. In my mind, i can deal with it, but really honey, it's a matter of can your wallet deal with it :) We have been reading her book. Mine was actually helpful in knowing why she needed all the gear. So we found a website that had a summer horse camp special. It had the helmet, pants - called jodpers? , boots, and gloves. They were a great price. So between now and when they get here, the ups man is going to be stalked by one little red headed girl. Skatecamp is coming up for monkey, he has all the stuff and then some. It's just going to be my little guy, acting like a super-cool skater guy. He's going to be in heaven also. I am so excited for him, the guys at the skate park are so nice to the younger kids. They all offer to help and teach when he goes. I love that, as i don't always see that kindness in other sports. I still get queasy over the mean spirited baseball parents.....
We've gotten all the report cards in, and they both did so great. I could not be any prouder of them. So we now have, sniff sniff... a second grader, and a, i can't even say it- a sixth grader. This is hard for me to believe! I mean, 6th grade. I remember life in the 6th grade. Scary!
We went to see the new Karate Kid movie. I can't remember who, but someone was saying it wasn't going to be good, that Will Smith paid to get his kid into it, and that's why they made it. I was of the midset, it had to be good, or they wouldn't have put the kid in it. I was right, such a great movie!! I cried, i laughed, and at times the whole audience actually was clapping. Now that, is a good movie for that response. I dare say, it might have been better than the first one. I love Jackie Chan though. He was great, and that little Jaden Smith, he is going to be big i think. He was great. The kids both loved it.
We are gearing up for more activities. Horse camp is coming up. Midget is beside herself. Daddy sent her a book, and me a book on how to deal with a horse loving kid. In my mind, i can deal with it, but really honey, it's a matter of can your wallet deal with it :) We have been reading her book. Mine was actually helpful in knowing why she needed all the gear. So we found a website that had a summer horse camp special. It had the helmet, pants - called jodpers? , boots, and gloves. They were a great price. So between now and when they get here, the ups man is going to be stalked by one little red headed girl. Skatecamp is coming up for monkey, he has all the stuff and then some. It's just going to be my little guy, acting like a super-cool skater guy. He's going to be in heaven also. I am so excited for him, the guys at the skate park are so nice to the younger kids. They all offer to help and teach when he goes. I love that, as i don't always see that kindness in other sports. I still get queasy over the mean spirited baseball parents.....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
rainy day
I guess my little man has officialy crossed into tweendom. He slept until 11 a.m. Granted i think he stayed up playing chess on his ipod. It was awfully cute watching midget creeping around trying not to wake him up. He was in a great mood when he got up though. So maybe he was cathching up from lack of sleep at the hotel.
He got upset with me because i told him the all black he had one wasn't going to fly. I told him he looked like some goth child, and he ran upstairs to change. I was glad he wasn't doing it on purpose. He did point out his purple vans :) I see these long haired, goth kids, and i don't want that. Luckily we talked and said he wasn't going that way, he liked the skater look. I can deal with that. :) So we are on the same page, he showed me the hairstyle he is going for in a magazine. It's not too bad, shaggy i guess would be the word. Shaggy is better than greasy :)
Crisis averted. The princess is still the princess. She loves her clothes and her hairbows. She cracks me up with her clothes ideas. She's taken to making her barbies their own designs now. So we've gotten out the sewing machine and the ribbons. It's fun actually. So that was our rainy day fun. Trying to explain why they can't get in the pool, and why just because it's raining we don't have to go shopping to fill the time. Never thought it would happen, and i would have to say it... but kids, money doesn't grow on trees. Daddy would be shocked :)
He got upset with me because i told him the all black he had one wasn't going to fly. I told him he looked like some goth child, and he ran upstairs to change. I was glad he wasn't doing it on purpose. He did point out his purple vans :) I see these long haired, goth kids, and i don't want that. Luckily we talked and said he wasn't going that way, he liked the skater look. I can deal with that. :) So we are on the same page, he showed me the hairstyle he is going for in a magazine. It's not too bad, shaggy i guess would be the word. Shaggy is better than greasy :)
Crisis averted. The princess is still the princess. She loves her clothes and her hairbows. She cracks me up with her clothes ideas. She's taken to making her barbies their own designs now. So we've gotten out the sewing machine and the ribbons. It's fun actually. So that was our rainy day fun. Trying to explain why they can't get in the pool, and why just because it's raining we don't have to go shopping to fill the time. Never thought it would happen, and i would have to say it... but kids, money doesn't grow on trees. Daddy would be shocked :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
We've had a buy few days. We went and stayed overnight at a hotel and went to a family wedding. It was nice. Very formal, and it was killing the kids to sit so long. Midget was adorable and danced with the groom for a dollar dance. She was so cute. Monkey skipped out on the dance part :)
We spent the night and came home early. Some members did not sleep well :) We swam all day yesterday, and they had lots of fun. Today was ballet class, and we are glad that is almost done! On to horse camp, and skate camp and daddy!!
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