Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's nearly a done deal....

SSHHH... Don't tell my mom, but we are going back to Kuwait. Would it be rude to call her from the plane?
After much debate, and what if's, we've decided to return. With the job market the way it is, and the kids getting bigger, it just seems too much is pulling us that way. The schools here scare me to death. These aren't bad schools, but so much bad is going on in them. Since we went over and came back,the kids seem different. The monkey seems to want more, and is like a sponge. The midget, she just seems to like being treated like a princess. But who doesn't?
Needless to say, the king is in heaven. He is gung-ho, and ready to return. He will go first and get settled.
So we will go back to the sandbox:)

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