Today is report card day here. The monkey, my little whiz kid got all A's, and one 88. Great job for him, he's so smart. The midget, in all her kindergarten smartness got all E's and S's. That is like all A's in the world of a 6 yr old.
They have been smothered with praise and kisses. Now they want to know what else they get...
So much for doing it for the knowledge alone.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mr. Cool
The monkey's hair has been an issue for a while now. It has been getting long and scraggly. What i feared most was the fact that he thinks a bowl haircut is cool. Why??? It is so not the right hair for him. Luckily his new wanting to be a pilot/astronaut/physicist has led him to want spiky hair. Hallelujah, whatever works!
So, we went to get a haircut. Our local barber, Mr. Jim, who has dead animals on the wall, might not do the "cool spikes" he feared. Plus, the midget is a little afraid of all the dead animals around. So we went to snip-its. Wow, have haircuts changed. you sit in a chair, play video games, get pampered, cookies, treats from a huge machine, toys. it's crazy! Midget got a mini-mani :) she is all over that, and dying to go back.
So without further ado, here is the new do:)

So, we went to get a haircut. Our local barber, Mr. Jim, who has dead animals on the wall, might not do the "cool spikes" he feared. Plus, the midget is a little afraid of all the dead animals around. So we went to snip-its. Wow, have haircuts changed. you sit in a chair, play video games, get pampered, cookies, treats from a huge machine, toys. it's crazy! Midget got a mini-mani :) she is all over that, and dying to go back.
So without further ado, here is the new do:)

green hair,
snip its cool
Saturday, April 18, 2009
wii music

I am putting this here for the midget. she wants matercheif to see her playing wii music. that is her person on the screen playing a concert. She loves this game, and plays it as long as i will let her. she can play a harp on there, and have an orchestra play with her. It's a neat game, and alot easier for her age than guitar hero.
Getting some work done..

So, rather than sitting around i decided i would get some work done around here. We had left over paint from getting the rest of the house painted. I painted the dining room, then i still had some left and thought there is only one room left downstairs to paint. It was the bathroom. I had wanted to change that awful light out. So i googled it, and there it is. How to hang a light fixture. It said it wasn't that hard. If our sheet rock guys weren't so bad it wouldn't have been. They had pushed the box in so far the new fixture didn't sit right. I couldn't tighten the screws. So after a few hours it hit me, cardboard. I took a piece folded it up and it worked. So there it is, the light i installed!!

Let me say too, that the mirror is off. it needs to be lower but again, our sheet rock guys. It is stuck to the wall. The little screws, when i undid them all, were not even holding it up. I couldn't even pry the mirror off with a screwdriver using all my strength. So if that ever comes off, so i alot of the wall. Great isn't it?
sheet rock,
tobacco road
Thursday, April 16, 2009
FLEO 6 - Fleo gets the Internet working!
Ok, finally I got the Internet, and it works half way decently. So to catch up on some pictures...
So, Fleo got to where he got, and he loves the mountain view. So nice and relaxing.
Even walking to breakfast, the mountains are beautiful!
And now that the monkey and midget sent 'masterChief' some decorations for 'the Hooch', well, FLEO feels down right stylin'. Notice the Christmas lights!

well, now that FLEO's got this channel going, look for more to come. The Bazaar is today. Lots of neat little goodies and trinkets.
So, Fleo got to where he got, and he loves the mountain view. So nice and relaxing.

well, now that FLEO's got this channel going, look for more to come. The Bazaar is today. Lots of neat little goodies and trinkets.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009

So, i am sorry, but I have to spam you with all our easter egg pics :) The kids had tons of fun hunting the eggs. Monkeys follower followed him all around, and he had to teach him that the little pill looking things grew into animals in the water.
Friday, April 10, 2009

We went to the local farm near our house. This was not a busy place, so when i heard we could pick the strawberries on our own i thought that was really neat. Well, apparently a lot of people thought that was a really neat idea too. It's really out of the way down a country road, seriously. There were so many cars a guy was directing traffic! I couldn't believe it. But, it was really neat. I have learned my son should study really hard in school. He is not meant for manual labor, he was tired after 5 minutes. A farmer he will not be. The midget however, was in heaven. She could have picked all day. The strawberries are heaven though. After giving some to grandma, and 2 neighbors we are very well loved :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
And the nominees are..
Monkey has a definite sense of right and wrong. Not necessarily a moral compass right and wrong, but right and wrong according to the world of monkey. He is very set in his ways, and truly believes he knows all. In all 9 years of his living, he has learned everything :) No idea where he gets this..haha. Anyone who knows the masterchief (that should tell you something right there, that he believes he should be called the masterchief, and greatly enjoys this name we have given him here) can guess wher it came from. There are endless debates in our house, and lots of tears from the midget. She goes to the whiny extreme when she knows she is right. She is more like me, and will either let it go, or on the rare occasion scream until he listens. Unfortunately, he taught her that when she would whine around age 3 or 4, he would give in to her, and then she would stop. Now that he is a genuis in his own mind, he does not wish to cave to her whims any longer. This leads to a noisy, sometimes headache invoking home. But, I digress. Monkey mentioned the other afternoon the best actors ever. I thought wow, this should be interesting. I'm thinking along the lines of real greats. Wondering who he could think of from them. DeNiro? Pitt? That guy from dead ringers with the nice accent, Liam Nieson? Nope, none of them. This is his list..and the nominees are:
You are going to die, truly :)
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger
2. Vin Diesel
3. Bruce Campbell (for those who don't know him, he's a b-list, possibly d- list actor who is in burn notice, and Evil Dead, Army of Darkness)
Now is that a list of greats or what? I did really like the pacifier though.
You are going to die, truly :)
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger
2. Vin Diesel
3. Bruce Campbell (for those who don't know him, he's a b-list, possibly d- list actor who is in burn notice, and Evil Dead, Army of Darkness)
Now is that a list of greats or what? I did really like the pacifier though.
bruce Campbell,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Summer camps
Boy, are they different from when i was a kid. We played outside, and if we were lucky we got to fingerpaint. These days, it's a whole other level! Awhole other price bracket too. You can do just about anything. The midget is dreaming of "horse camp". She has fantasies of galloping in fields of bluebonnets apparently. This is probably not at all what she is thinking. I believe we will have to explain you don't just walk up, hop on a horse and ride off into the pasture. So while she is asking for this, the masterchief is hyperventalating because a friend from works child was killed by a horse. Not at a camp, but at a home. I am pretty certain that supervision and insurance concerns will make a camp be run a lot tighter that a farm in the middle of nowhere. I hope so.
The monkey, well if you know him you can guess what it is he wants :) Yes, the video game designer camp. Becasue nothing says summer like being in a flourescent lighted room with a bunch of video games right? So, do I go with my gut, and say no. You will run around outside, get all hot and sweaty, and eat bad snacks.... ot do i encourage the little bill gates boy, in hopes that someday that enourmously creative brain will come up with something fantastic, and he will be able to support me in my old age?
It's not like the outdoor camps are a whole lot cheaper either. Are they charging for the air? I mean we have to provide the lunches, the water, and the sunscreen. They aren't hiring rocket scientist, well the video game one might be. They went to the outdoor one a couple years ago and had lots of fun. But let's face it, it's hot, we are pale, and redheaded.
So here's a price list, outdoor camp- for the monkey for 3 days is $320
outdoor for the midget her's is only 3 hours, is $160
horse camp 295 for all day, or 125 for 3 hours
this is by grammie and grandpa though, that is a perk :)
monkey camps:
robot camp, or video game design $299 for half day $499 for full day
Nuts isn't it?
The monkey, well if you know him you can guess what it is he wants :) Yes, the video game designer camp. Becasue nothing says summer like being in a flourescent lighted room with a bunch of video games right? So, do I go with my gut, and say no. You will run around outside, get all hot and sweaty, and eat bad snacks.... ot do i encourage the little bill gates boy, in hopes that someday that enourmously creative brain will come up with something fantastic, and he will be able to support me in my old age?
It's not like the outdoor camps are a whole lot cheaper either. Are they charging for the air? I mean we have to provide the lunches, the water, and the sunscreen. They aren't hiring rocket scientist, well the video game one might be. They went to the outdoor one a couple years ago and had lots of fun. But let's face it, it's hot, we are pale, and redheaded.
So here's a price list, outdoor camp- for the monkey for 3 days is $320
outdoor for the midget her's is only 3 hours, is $160
horse camp 295 for all day, or 125 for 3 hours
this is by grammie and grandpa though, that is a perk :)
monkey camps:
robot camp, or video game design $299 for half day $499 for full day
Nuts isn't it?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
how ever will we survive
Ok, so last night talking to the neighbors, i got the typical response when people talk about us going to the middle east. "how are you going to survive there. you'll have to wear those black robes, and what will the kids do?" No people i will not wear a burka ("black robe"). As for how the kids will survive, well we will ride our camel, the one we will get at camels are us. We will of course have to trek across the desert to go by said camel. We may have to promise midgets hand in marriage to the camel seller, but we have to do what we have to do right? Then we can track back across the desert while the masterchief leads the camel, it will be hard, in the 160 degree heat, but we will survive. People, come on?! These people over there are more high fashion that we are! They shop more than we do, and there cars. Some of them dip there cars in chrome! They have suburbs like here, and more high rises than we do. They have fancier cell phones than we do. It's not that bad. The Burger kings deliver, they have Chili's. I assure you, we will survive. As for the kids, look at one of the million of the little amusement parks that opened up at the mall. When i say mall, i mean one of a million malls.
The kids will survive also, with giant, spoiled-rotten grins on their faces. And the midget, well she plans on finding a prince so she can rightly assume her post as princess. Which i assure you she believes she is with all her heart :)
The kids will survive also, with giant, spoiled-rotten grins on their faces. And the midget, well she plans on finding a prince so she can rightly assume her post as princess. Which i assure you she believes she is with all her heart :)
amusement parks,
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