Friday, April 10, 2009


We went to the local farm near our house. This was not a busy place, so when i heard we could pick the strawberries on our own i thought that was really neat. Well, apparently a lot of people thought that was a really neat idea too. It's really out of the way down a country road, seriously. There were so many cars a guy was directing traffic! I couldn't believe it. But, it was really neat. I have learned my son should study really hard in school. He is not meant for manual labor, he was tired after 5 minutes. A farmer he will not be. The midget however, was in heaven. She could have picked all day. The strawberries are heaven though. After giving some to grandma, and 2 neighbors we are very well loved :)


  1. What a fun idea for an outing. I bet the strawberries were yummy too.

  2. It was fun! Cheap too, $1.50 a pound. I may have to put them to work again :)
