Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Horse Camp

Midget had so much fun again! She stayed after and got a private lesson. There is the sweetest little horse named Turbo. She's a welse pony, and is so little, but quick! She rode for a while on her, and when that horse trotted she took off! Then she moved to Ms. Lena, and did really well on her. She learned to make her go and stop and is working on that still. She has trouble being assertive with them. She did great though, and says she loves it as much as she thought she would. She 's loved them since she was 2. I shouldn't be surprised i suppose. Monkey is enjoying the time without his sister here. We ate at the cracker barrell and he enjoyed a yummy shake and shrimp. He is easy to please sometimes.


  1. Aren't welshy's the most lovely ponies. My grandparents used to breed them and one of the children I governessed had the most quiet little welsh pony that you could lay all over and she never so much as snorted.
    So pleased your daughter is having a wonderful time.

  2. I am totally in love with them also, don't tell.. He was absolutely the sweetest, and funniest little pony ever. I would totally bring him home if i could. How fun for you to grow up having ponies around.
