Saturday, February 27, 2010

long week.

It's been a long week, and i can't really figure out why... strange. Monkey had his field trip to the science museum. Let me just say, wow. 5th graders are way more mature and know alot more that I did in the 5th grade. I can't count the number of cuss words i heard. The girls, well they look like 8th or 9th graders. The kids were nuts, and frankly didn't learn a thing in my opinion. One kid was actually hanging off the balcony on the 2nd story to the open area below. The guard asked what school we were with. I was quick to say "i have my 6 kids here, this is my group"! We quickly walked on after telling him. I much prefered the 1st grade field trip, they behaved so much better!! Monkey thanked me for going though, so that made it worth while. He had a great time he said, didn't learn a thing but socially he had a good time. Why not just take them to the park next time and save the gas money? He's trudging along with his skateboarding obsession. He's getting quite good at it. I'm glad he's found a new passion. This week was Rodeo day also, the kids get to wear their cowboy clothes. Monkey is apparently way too cool for this, so he opted out. Midget, well she is all over that one. She had outgrown her boots, so she had to get a new pair. I had found this vest and top on clearance at penney's for 7 dollars! She loved it, so it went well without being to hillbilly :) Plus she says the glitter on the shirt worked well for self defense. :) If those boys messed with her, she would rub them with her sleeve and glitterfy them. Did you know that was a word? In her world it is. Maybe we should glitterfy the talliban? Big missles full of glitter upon our enemies!!!
Oh, and here are the pics of Monkey's project. They didn't turn out to well. He did however get 100's on all parts of it!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

school project

We are knee and elbow deep in glue, pipe cleaners and paint. I always love school projects :) The only part i don't love is having to reign in my control freak self from straighttening and fixing the parts that aren't just so. Monkey is 10, and is capable of doing these himself, mostly. But we all know, there are the kids whose parents are doing them for them, and his will be sitting next to them. Whose to say the teacher will grade fairly? I'm doing fairly well, and walked off last night so i didn't stick my nose in where it wasn't wanted. he's done a great job, and has asked for some help with the super glue, and things he can't do. It's been a learning experience, but tons of fun. It's a diarama, a scene in a shoe box. He picked a science fiction book called saga. I am leary of the laser guns, and stuff, but hopefully we won't get a call from the counselor ;)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun, fun, fun...

So Valentines day here, not so good. The hubby did really well though. He sent the same flowers that were in my wedding boutquet, my absolute favorite daisies, mixed with roses. He even sent the little midget some lavender roses, she was so thrilled with that. So as daddy says, mommy has her flowers on her table and baby girl has her flowers on her table. I was spending the day throwing up and felt like i was going to walk into the bright light.... I guess maybe as we get older the sick bugs hit us harder? That was miserable. To make matters worse, although it seemed better at the time... We had gone to my moms to take her her valentines present the day before. We had also gotten monkey some new trucks for his board for valentines day... no flowers for him ;) well mom called last night, sounding awful, asking how long does this bug last? oops... If the whole the older you get theory is true this does not look good.. it last a day and a half here. Sorry mom :( So i guess i will say it, tacky as it sounds, i can't resist, my valentines day blew chunks :) ha ha ha...
And to the love of my life, 16 or 17 years ago, which was it? The best valentines day present ever, and i never thought it would have been that day, was the windshield wipers, go figure.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's and puking..

Kind of go hand in hand don't they ;) We had a puking princess here, literally. Midget is the only girl i know who would wear a tiara to throw up. Poor little girl. Atleast she made it through her party before she started. This means monkey get's cash tomorrow, which he might prefer. Those are her oh so special valentines we made. She had to make those, and it was a chore, but htey were neat. Don't know the kids all got the scratch- off concept, but oh well. She felt good about giving them, so that is what counts i suppose. We had fun making them together too. :)
Monkey's school did nothing for valentines day, and i'm good with that. Those girls need no encouragement. I can't believe how aggresive they are! At this point i know he's rather skate on his board, than be talking to a girl. I'll keep it thatg way as long as i can.

Friday, February 12, 2010

moving on.

This week is ending, finally.. We just left midget's party, to go spend some fun time together and get monkey's valentine day present. Half way there, she threw up all over herself and the car. So i guess she has whatever he had. Fun times...
this is a hilarious video1!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad news all around

This is just the week for bad news.. Can it please end already? I found out monday that my sweet little midget has to go back to the dentist to get some work done. This is not going to be easy for her at all :( She is such a trooper though. Yesterday monkey came home from school to say " my friends dad shot his mom and sister on friday..." Ummm, what???? Apparently the parents were getting divorced and he wanted the little brother, they were fighting and the sister in ninth grade got into it also. So he lost it and shot them both. So he is worried about what will happen to his friend. He wants to know where he will go. How do you explain that to a child? What a world we live in. I hope the little boy finds some peace, and love wherever he ends up. Now he is without a mom, sister, and his dad is going to prison. To top it off, he woke up sick this morning, and is missing the taks practice test. Which is a cardinal sin in the schools.
Hopefully these days pick up, and i pray that my little midget doesn't get whatever bug this is. Oh happy days!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Party Animals

We had the most fun this weekend!! Our friend Paulie was going to meet us at a park. He ended up at Mardi Gras instead. So we went down there and met up with he and his mom, and her S.O. To monkey's thrill there is a great skate park down there also. So he got to skate in there, and saw some people from the other skate park. My brother, and their favorite, super-cool uncle is a cop down there. So he met up with us at the skate park. Nothing says back off, like having the po-po roll in :)
The kids loved seeing him. It was interesting to see the people watch him, and talk to him too. The park closes at 5, so every kid was asking him to open it back up. Pretty funny. He's half law-enforcer, half baby-sitter. But i'm so proud of him, he's turned into such a role-model for the kids.
After we left the skate park we walked over and watched the parade with Paulie, his mom, her S.O., really nice guy. And most importantly to Midget, her favorite, and ours, baby P3. Our super uncle, is not crazy about babies, but even he loves him. Midget got to use her mad baby skilz and pushed him in his stroller even. Anyone who knows her knows this is a dream come true. Monkey and his grandma had him rolling on the skateboard too, so adorable. She's an awesome grandma, and the kids agree P3 is one lucky baby! She was knocking some kids out of the way getting those beads for mine! They loved the parade. Although i hate to say it, Midget is like me and doens't like beads flying at her face. So she ducks :) They got tons of beads, and loved watching the floats. It was so much fun. After that we went to eat, and had italian food. By then they were all ready to crash for the evening. So, we were wild, and crazy party animals for the night!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Why can't we get this??

I am so completely tired of this weather!!! Rain, cold and blah!!!! This is like living in Seattle i am guessing without the nice views. Atleast there it's pretty, Here we just have the blah weather with nothing to show for it.
I hope the sun comes out soon. We took monkey to the dentist today, and all is well. He is going back monday to get a baby tooth moved, the big one is coming in over it, strange. Midget is going too, we will see how that goes. unfortunately, or fortunately, she suffers in silence usually. so she may freak out on the way, but will be fine there. This dentist is amazing, and his office is set up for the kids. Monkey loves him, so i am sure she will be fine also.
Midgets class is doing Flat Stanley, i am guessing she will be the winner in her class for distance with her dad. Hard to beat djibouti :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I learned a lesson this weekend. Never, never, NEVER go to petsmart with your children on the weekend! We were having the loveliest time. Then we went to petsmart. there right at the front are cages full of the most adorable kittens. There was even one red one that looks like Sheldon. There it went... "Can we get one please!".... "I'll clean my room, and take care of it, and i'll sleep in my own room forever"... The list went on and on. Then he included his sister... Then he read the little paper on the kitten. Apparently the bunch of kittens he was with were bar-b-que'd and he was the only one to survive. Sorry, but we left him. To which he told his sister, next time be quiet, i know how to work mom. :)
Lesson learned, i will buy pet food during the week.