Why can't we get this??
I am so completely tired of this weather!!! Rain, cold and blah!!!! This is like living in Seattle i am guessing without the nice views. Atleast there it's pretty, Here we just have the blah weather with nothing to show for it.
I hope the sun comes out soon. We took monkey to the dentist today, and all is well. He is going back monday to get a baby tooth moved, the big one is coming in over it, strange. Midget is going too, we will see how that goes. unfortunately, or fortunately, she suffers in silence usually. so she may freak out on the way, but will be fine there. This dentist is amazing, and his office is set up for the kids. Monkey loves him, so i am sure she will be fine also.
Midgets class is doing Flat Stanley, i am guessing she will be the winner in her class for distance with her dad. Hard to beat djibouti :)
I remember Flat Stanley, goodness Im so pleased kids still love it! Goos luck with the dentist visit. Im way overdue!