We had so much fun at the enviromental fair yesterday. My little man was such a good helper, the principal came to tell me! You should know, when i see this woman coming, i try to run the other way. She is a hoot. She has big hair, high heels and is very aggresive. I would not want to be on her bad side. She makes me think of Dallas episodes and Mary KAy. She did catch me though, unfortunately little miss midget loves her, so as i am trying to duck and cover, she is waving and screaming "Hi!!" to the woman. We need to work on our signals. As the hubby and i have our thumb gesture, she and i have none. To anyone who we have used our gesture on, i know nothing, it was all his idea :)
So, my little monkey helped set up booths, and even got to use the principals camera to take yearbook pictures. How cool is that?! He had a great time. We won a couple plants, and petted a few animals at the petting zoo. Woohoo, save the earth :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
coughs and catnaps
We have been so busy it seems, but I could not tell you what we have been doing. Strange isn't it? Seems like we are, but it's nothing exciting, just daily life. Monkey has a bad cough, and sounds like he's been smoking for 20 years. I'm going to have to take him in to the dr i think, nothing is helping. So i am wondering if it is allergies or strep throat again. Poor guy. He was so worried i was going to take him today. He's volunteering at school to help with an enviromental fair. Yes, you read that right. Amazing, and i am so proud of him for that. He's got such a caring heart, and sometimes i forgot what a good person he is. i'm just so darn proud of him! Remind me of this when his teachers call me and he is in trouble please :)
My little midget princess, had her last dental appt. The Dr. should be able to afford his new sports car now, and i am glad we were able to help. She had two teeth puled, so she was a little whiny. She has however perfected the meanest dirty look ever. I was shocked when i looked at her and was on the recieving end. I am sure this will make my mother happy. She slept alot of the afternoon, and was thrilled sheldon let her nap with him. Such a good cat. I let her stay home today, as the last time the teacher was on the recieving end of lots of whining. You are welcome Mrs. R. You owe me one!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Back to school
Well the two little ones, who really aren't so little are back in school. It is so hard to get them going after they have had a week to sleep in. That i have to say is a perk of older kids. Well, i suppose i should clarify, sleeping in.
At the teen years, when i could "sleep in", that would have been 10 or maybe even 11. When spending one of my many weekends at Melon's house, she could sleep until 12 College age, again, 10 or so. Unless i had signed up for an early class, which i tended to do.
After getting married around 9:30 would be sleeping in on the weekends.
Baby age, sleeping in, HA!!! 5:30, 6 a.m. They were always early risers.
So now, at the ripe age of 7 and 10, Midget rises about 8 or 8:30. Monkey, on the vary rare occasion might sleep until 10, but usually 9. Which is nice.
I still get up about 7, to relish in the quiet. ah, the peace and quiet. It also gives the time to watch the shows i am too tired to stay awake and watch, or the shows they should not watch. :)
So that is our thrilling life right now, getting back to getting up. how may days until June 3???
Everyone cross your fingers and toes and anything else you can for good news on the job front. It would be heaven on earth to be in the same country as that wonderful hubby of mine!!!
At the teen years, when i could "sleep in", that would have been 10 or maybe even 11. When spending one of my many weekends at Melon's house, she could sleep until 12 College age, again, 10 or so. Unless i had signed up for an early class, which i tended to do.
After getting married around 9:30 would be sleeping in on the weekends.
Baby age, sleeping in, HA!!! 5:30, 6 a.m. They were always early risers.
So now, at the ripe age of 7 and 10, Midget rises about 8 or 8:30. Monkey, on the vary rare occasion might sleep until 10, but usually 9. Which is nice.
I still get up about 7, to relish in the quiet. ah, the peace and quiet. It also gives the time to watch the shows i am too tired to stay awake and watch, or the shows they should not watch. :)
So that is our thrilling life right now, getting back to getting up. how may days until June 3???
Everyone cross your fingers and toes and anything else you can for good news on the job front. It would be heaven on earth to be in the same country as that wonderful hubby of mine!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
sharks and shelves.
Well, spring break is over. We had lots of fun, and the weather was nice until Sat. We went down to the aquarium. I thought it wouldn't be as crowdeed as our childrens museum, i was wrong. It was one of those moments where i often wonder about. You know the feeling where you think if you get there early there won't be a crowd. Well aren't there others who think the same thing? So really, why get there early? Anyway, we had lots of fun. It was really crowded though, so that made it a little bit annoying. We did have fun in the tunnel thing, the diver was in there and made faces at monkey and midget. He scared her though. It was kind of funny. He took a picture of us taking a picture of him. What a fun job. One reason the kids loved the aqaurium was for the sharks. The Djibouti the man got to swim with whale sharks. This while we are living the boring life of super targets and ballet class ;) We love you lots anyway, but they learned about the whale sharks. So that was neat. We all agree, we wouldn't have swam with them anyway.
After that we went to the beach. It was crowded also, and a little cold. But they had fun, until monkeys lips turned blue, and he finally madmitted to being cold. I figure it must have been really cold for that to happen. :)
After that, (can you tell this was a long day?) we were in the area of their grandparents. We hadn't seen them since August, so they loved seeing them again. They hung out for a bit at the pizza place and then we headed home. It was a super long day, so the kids slept really well
Sat and Sun we just stayed around here. Cleaning closets, and playing outside. Yesterday i cleaned out our garage, that was a feat in itself. I had gotten some shelves. I am pretty sure the neighbors enjoyed the show from his garage bar as they drank. Nothing like watching a woman trying to put together a shelving unit that swears no tools were needed, but simply "suggested". I think i learned new words, and i've never wanted to run over something so bad in my life. But i built the stupid shelves, and now they are holding some of the things i can't bear to part with, but don't really need or use. I suppose in the slean sweep, clean house world that means i should get rid of them....

After that we went to the beach. It was crowded also, and a little cold. But they had fun, until monkeys lips turned blue, and he finally madmitted to being cold. I figure it must have been really cold for that to happen. :)
After that, (can you tell this was a long day?) we were in the area of their grandparents. We hadn't seen them since August, so they loved seeing them again. They hung out for a bit at the pizza place and then we headed home. It was a super long day, so the kids slept really well
Sat and Sun we just stayed around here. Cleaning closets, and playing outside. Yesterday i cleaned out our garage, that was a feat in itself. I had gotten some shelves. I am pretty sure the neighbors enjoyed the show from his garage bar as they drank. Nothing like watching a woman trying to put together a shelving unit that swears no tools were needed, but simply "suggested". I think i learned new words, and i've never wanted to run over something so bad in my life. But i built the stupid shelves, and now they are holding some of the things i can't bear to part with, but don't really need or use. I suppose in the slean sweep, clean house world that means i should get rid of them....
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My sweet little midget had her spacer put in yesterday. She is less than thrilled... So we are hanging around the house today to let her mend a bit. IT feels tight she is complaining, but she should be good later today. So monkey is hanging around and playing on his board while we wait. Hopefully she will be better later so we can go get a good st patty's day dinner of some sort.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Beautiful weather
We had some beautiful weather this weekend, so we had to head to the park to play. we had some friends come over, with our favorite baby. Midget and Monkey love to play with him. so she had to take him for a ride in her jeep. He had fun, but eventually true to his age would rather open and close the door :) Monkey took him down the slide, and pushed him on the swing. We had tons of fun. Today he has a friend over, and she has a neighbor playing with her. So all are happy :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Spring break...
We are off to a good start :) Homemade waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast...yum. I don't make these enough, monkey said "These taste weird...".
He says it was weird in a good way, and he ate every bite. Does this mean i should cut back on the Eggo waffles?
Leggo my eggo
Thursday, March 11, 2010
1 more day...
One more day and we are off. Granted now we are having some dr appt's during spring break, but still it is spring break. Yesterday we got a call from the bank fraud dept. Someone had taken my card number and tried to buy a 1600 dollar plane ticket!! Luckily they noticed my usual purchases are at target and kroger : ) So they cancelled my card. Good eye on the bank though! Monkey is saying now it was a terrorist, and it's good they caught them. What a world we live in, at 10 i was not thinking of terrorist. Sad...
I did make him laugh so hard this morning. Sometimes i am not embaressing to him now. Yesterday i had lunch with him at school, and a neighbor was having lunch with her daughter. Well, she looked like a hot mama! She had on black spikey heels, black leggings, a little tunic top with a black patent belt. Needless to say i felt a little frumpy in what i thought was my super cute new boyfriend jeans and nautical striped gap top. So i asked monkey, do you ever wish i was a hip dresser like that? His answer was well sometimes, why do you always wear flip-flops? He then proceeded to tell me i should get some cool skater shoes. Funny, i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Note to self, i need some vans to be cool for him :)
But back to my funny... He tells me the bone right here on the elbow is weenus. Oddly enough, i ggoogled it and it's int he urban dictionary. That the tween set use it. Strange. Anyway, i guess i shouldn't encourage it. But i couldn't resist, so he said it when he was getting out of the car. So i said to him "make sure your weenus is covered!". Oh my gosh, that beautiful smile and he laughed so hard! He was waliking off giggling. Then he must of told his friend because they both looked back cracking up.
Hope i don't get a call from the school on this one!!
p.s. Make sure your weenus is covered!!
I did make him laugh so hard this morning. Sometimes i am not embaressing to him now. Yesterday i had lunch with him at school, and a neighbor was having lunch with her daughter. Well, she looked like a hot mama! She had on black spikey heels, black leggings, a little tunic top with a black patent belt. Needless to say i felt a little frumpy in what i thought was my super cute new boyfriend jeans and nautical striped gap top. So i asked monkey, do you ever wish i was a hip dresser like that? His answer was well sometimes, why do you always wear flip-flops? He then proceeded to tell me i should get some cool skater shoes. Funny, i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Note to self, i need some vans to be cool for him :)
But back to my funny... He tells me the bone right here on the elbow is weenus. Oddly enough, i ggoogled it and it's int he urban dictionary. That the tween set use it. Strange. Anyway, i guess i shouldn't encourage it. But i couldn't resist, so he said it when he was getting out of the car. So i said to him "make sure your weenus is covered!". Oh my gosh, that beautiful smile and he laughed so hard! He was waliking off giggling. Then he must of told his friend because they both looked back cracking up.
Hope i don't get a call from the school on this one!!
p.s. Make sure your weenus is covered!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
2 more days..
2 more days until spring break!!! The kids are getting so tired, so the break is well needed. We have been debating on going on a little adventure of our own. Some friends offered us a place to stay and to go to some amusement parks. I'm debating, but the idea of hanging around the house and relaxing sounds pretty appealing.
Midget had her first of 3 big dental appts. She had a rough time, but is doing good. 2 more to go. Poor little girl. Monkey boy has been moving along in school, and is waiting for the break to start. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time.
We sent dad a care package in the mail, can't wait for him to get it. The kids had something made for him. We all miss him so much. Passing his tests was a great beginings to all kinds of things. My little microsoft guru :)
Midget had her first of 3 big dental appts. She had a rough time, but is doing good. 2 more to go. Poor little girl. Monkey boy has been moving along in school, and is waiting for the break to start. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time.
We sent dad a care package in the mail, can't wait for him to get it. The kids had something made for him. We all miss him so much. Passing his tests was a great beginings to all kinds of things. My little microsoft guru :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Ah, trying days. Tomorrow my sweet little midget is going to get some dental stuff done. She's not going to like it at all. Hopefully it goes well, it may be harder on me than her. Her dentist is awesome, he even sent her a pic with the two of them, saying he's looking forward to seeing her tomorrow. Who does that? How awesome is he? And, they have a talking mirrow, and you get balloons. Do you think they have a chair in my size???
Hopefully the hubster has taken his test, and passed with flying colors. Last i heard this afternoon was the testing facility was working the middle eastern way, and enshalla he was going to get to take it after dinner. Love the enshalla way of life, i miss that ;)
Well, the sweet little midget i was speaking of earlier, is now terrorizing her brother. That won't end well.....
Hopefully the hubster has taken his test, and passed with flying colors. Last i heard this afternoon was the testing facility was working the middle eastern way, and enshalla he was going to get to take it after dinner. Love the enshalla way of life, i miss that ;)
Well, the sweet little midget i was speaking of earlier, is now terrorizing her brother. That won't end well.....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
fun fun fun

We had alot of fun this weekend. Dad's friend and his family came over. the boys had tons of fun on their bikes and skateboards. And when i say boys, i mean, the 5, 10 and over 39 yr old kind ;) Monkey thought it was the coolest that John skates too. So he is the cool one now...
We went to eat at our favorite local pizza spot, midget loves to go there because you can make your own pizza. She has learned to make pizza's from her grandparents, so she is a pro. She loves Stephanie because she is a girly girl, and likes tea parties and makeup. I like her because she gets the monogramming obsession :) We had lots of fun spending time with them. Monkey tried to pry stories out of John about dad in his youth, to no avail...
We spent most of today getting the garden ready. John brought some seeds to help things along. So cross your fingers it will grow lots of good stuff this year!!!
Here is a video of monkey doing a wheat grass shot at jamba juice... yuck!! He got a mango drink with extra boosts of vitamin b and C. He thinks his vision and energy is vastly improved :)
p.s. he shot the video of the guys for his dad..so here it is!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Yea, it's friday!! We are going to go see the new Alice in Wonderland this weekend. I'm hoping it isn't too freaky for the midget. I don't think it will be, but it is Tim Burton :) We've got the garden bed ready, so now we need to go get the plants. We can't wait, the kids love to plant and work in the garden. It will give us something good to do together. Monkey is still grounded, and may be until the end of time... It's good though, he's drawing and doing some other things.
I am seeing 10 is a hard age to be i think. Not quite old enough to do some things, and too old to do others. Poor little guy..
But i am standing firm, even though he is trying his hardest to break me, and he knows i am a pushover :) Those big blue eyes are hard to say no to!
So we did go see Alice, and it was Amazing!!! Such a good movie. Even midget loved it. Of course, her recital this year is going to be Alice in Wonderland, so she is obssesing with all things Alice. Monkey loved it too, and it's hard to find a move they both love. Thumbs up from us!!
I am seeing 10 is a hard age to be i think. Not quite old enough to do some things, and too old to do others. Poor little guy..
But i am standing firm, even though he is trying his hardest to break me, and he knows i am a pushover :) Those big blue eyes are hard to say no to!
So we did go see Alice, and it was Amazing!!! Such a good movie. Even midget loved it. Of course, her recital this year is going to be Alice in Wonderland, so she is obssesing with all things Alice. Monkey loved it too, and it's hard to find a move they both love. Thumbs up from us!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I think these are just hilarious.. Besides, it's got Edward. Not that i am one of those creepy obssesed twilight moms, of course not.
11 days
11 more days until spring break! Thank goodness.. These kids are getting harder and harder to get up. The dreaded taks test is coming up, so the brainwashing has begun. Pep rallies, sports stars, all coming to cheer them on. The kids who are doing well, are bored to tears. I hate this test... It is unfair for the kids like monkey, who are having to sit through it all year. They should find a way for those kids to test out of it. It's made up for the kids to know the bare minimum, well he knows far more. So how out of 34 kids will they all go to the same level? Oh well, that's my rant.
So, the kids have started the countdown for school to get out. June 3.... Midget says she loves the summer, so she can sleep late.
p.s. That's 7:30 BTW :)
So, the kids have started the countdown for school to get out. June 3.... Midget says she loves the summer, so she can sleep late.
p.s. That's 7:30 BTW :)
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