Thursday, March 11, 2010

1 more day...

One more day and we are off. Granted now we are having some dr appt's during spring break, but still it is spring break. Yesterday we got a call from the bank fraud dept. Someone had taken my card number and tried to buy a 1600 dollar plane ticket!! Luckily they noticed my usual purchases are at target and kroger : ) So they cancelled my card. Good eye on the bank though! Monkey is saying now it was a terrorist, and it's good they caught them. What a world we live in, at 10 i was not thinking of terrorist. Sad...
I did make him laugh so hard this morning. Sometimes i am not embaressing to him now. Yesterday i had lunch with him at school, and a neighbor was having lunch with her daughter. Well, she looked like a hot mama! She had on black spikey heels, black leggings, a little tunic top with a black patent belt. Needless to say i felt a little frumpy in what i thought was my super cute new boyfriend jeans and nautical striped gap top. So i asked monkey, do you ever wish i was a hip dresser like that? His answer was well sometimes, why do you always wear flip-flops? He then proceeded to tell me i should get some cool skater shoes. Funny, i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Note to self, i need some vans to be cool for him :)
But back to my funny... He tells me the bone right here on the elbow is weenus. Oddly enough, i ggoogled it and it's int he urban dictionary. That the tween set use it. Strange. Anyway, i guess i shouldn't encourage it. But i couldn't resist, so he said it when he was getting out of the car. So i said to him "make sure your weenus is covered!". Oh my gosh, that beautiful smile and he laughed so hard! He was waliking off giggling. Then he must of told his friend because they both looked back cracking up.
Hope i don't get a call from the school on this one!!
p.s. Make sure your weenus is covered!!

1 comment:

  1. Instead of vans, just get some really cute Keds, and then write "DK" really big on top so everyone can see!

