Monday, May 31, 2010
Busy times
Friday, May 28, 2010
crazy days
These past couple weeks have been just crazy. The end of school seems to involve all kinds of activities. Midget has had birthday parties, and monkey has been begging to spend every waking moment skating.
Her friends party was so adorable. Fancy Nancy, whom we love. She is a adorable fancy redheaded character in a story book series. She loves these books. They had tea, and wore fancy pink hats, had a fashion show, it was adorable.
Today was crazy. Field day at both schools. She was adimant that i be there for her obstacle course, and it was of course smack in the middle of his. Somehow i made it back to her school. We also have gifts for all the teachers. There is this nice lady who is a grandma, and volunteers every day at the parent drop off. Where do you get devoted amazing grandparents like those? Anyway, we made her a nice thank you, and gave her a bouquet of flowers, i mean to give up every morning, that is nice. She was surprised and thrilled. It was nice.
We are now all exhausted and going to crash. I will put all the pics up tomorrow. :)
Her friends party was so adorable. Fancy Nancy, whom we love. She is a adorable fancy redheaded character in a story book series. She loves these books. They had tea, and wore fancy pink hats, had a fashion show, it was adorable.
Today was crazy. Field day at both schools. She was adimant that i be there for her obstacle course, and it was of course smack in the middle of his. Somehow i made it back to her school. We also have gifts for all the teachers. There is this nice lady who is a grandma, and volunteers every day at the parent drop off. Where do you get devoted amazing grandparents like those? Anyway, we made her a nice thank you, and gave her a bouquet of flowers, i mean to give up every morning, that is nice. She was surprised and thrilled. It was nice.
We are now all exhausted and going to crash. I will put all the pics up tomorrow. :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Comfy jammies.... check
molten lava desert from chilli's, after a lovely dinner with the kiddo's ... check
kids entertained:monkey watching the office, Midget listening to her music..check
(don't jusge me :)
Grey's Anatomy season finale .... check...
It's all good in our house tongiht :)
molten lava desert from chilli's, after a lovely dinner with the kiddo's ... check
kids entertained:monkey watching the office, Midget listening to her music..check
(don't jusge me :)
Grey's Anatomy season finale .... check...
It's all good in our house tongiht :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Almost done..
16 more days until school is out!! Lots of the ones left are field days, and some fun things. That certainly helps. I've got midget signed up for her horse camp again. I still need to pick a week for monkey to go to skate camp. They are just day camps, not overnight yet :)
Midget's recital is coming up on june 26th. She is so excited, it's just darn cute. Her new school is so different than her others. You can tell this teacher has been around alot longer. At her other school we always were saying wouldn't it be great if they had a dvd we could get, so the girls could practice at home... Well her new school does, so great. Plus we got her the tshirt, and she is thrilled! It has the name of the recital, and then on the back, get ready.. it has their names. It says cast, and then list all the girls names. You know it's the little things like that, they really do make a big difference! She has never had her name on the back of a shirt. Well, it's bedtime, and the kids are reading our student encyclopedias, maybe i should let them stay up. I wonder if i put them under their pillows, if they could learn by osmosis? Might need to try that :)
Midget's recital is coming up on june 26th. She is so excited, it's just darn cute. Her new school is so different than her others. You can tell this teacher has been around alot longer. At her other school we always were saying wouldn't it be great if they had a dvd we could get, so the girls could practice at home... Well her new school does, so great. Plus we got her the tshirt, and she is thrilled! It has the name of the recital, and then on the back, get ready.. it has their names. It says cast, and then list all the girls names. You know it's the little things like that, they really do make a big difference! She has never had her name on the back of a shirt. Well, it's bedtime, and the kids are reading our student encyclopedias, maybe i should let them stay up. I wonder if i put them under their pillows, if they could learn by osmosis? Might need to try that :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mother's day
Well, it's been a long week. Why isn't it the end of may yet? We had a nice mother's day. The kids did their best to make it a relaxing day. They got me a new charm for my bracelet, and made me breakfast in bed. It's so cute to watch them work together trying to make it all perfect. The hubby got me my kindle. I had wanted an ipad, but after he pointed out all it does the kindle was a better choice. I hate it when he does that.. The ipad would be so fun :) The kindle is really neat though. I do love it so much. Technology is just amazing these days!
The garden is starting to sprout things. We've gotten a few cherry tomatos. There are flowers on the cucumbers. THe kids are counting down for the end of the year, and so am I. There is also the countdown for dad. I'm not sure who is counting on that one more, me or them.. or dad for that matter :)
He still hasn't caved on our easy-set pool. If i wasn't such a nice wife, i would get it anyway. Which is still an option.... As the kids get out of school i'm thinking it will be a bigger option, I figure 3 days into the summer the "i'm bored's" will start.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ah, mother's day. The kids fighting over the wrappting paper, who gets to hold the tape, and why one got to wrap more than the other. Really?? So, each has their own gift to give now. How relaxing is that? How about for mother's day all kids under 18 take a vow of silence? Or maybe, a vow of saying nothing but nice things, and yes and no mam. I like that.
My mother-in-law sent me the neatest thing ever. An edible bouquet. Now that is a smart flower arrangement. The kids of course were fighting over the chocolate strawberries. They were yummy though. So, tomorrow i was ordered to stay in bed, so they could make breakfast in bed. I convinced them frozen waffles are my favorite :) They get annoyed because i don't sleep late, i can't. So when i get up at 7, they are asleep. So am i supposed to sit there, and wait? In there minds, yes. Happy Mothers's Day...
I shaLL however, love my handmade cards, all the kisses, and the effort they will put into not fighting... and my gift from James Avery, that i didn't see them buy. Nor will i complain that they tried to buy it in silver instead of gold. Thus so they could keep the change and split it :) I love my kids.. and the fact that hubby knew they would try to keep the change.
My mother-in-law sent me the neatest thing ever. An edible bouquet. Now that is a smart flower arrangement. The kids of course were fighting over the chocolate strawberries. They were yummy though. So, tomorrow i was ordered to stay in bed, so they could make breakfast in bed. I convinced them frozen waffles are my favorite :) They get annoyed because i don't sleep late, i can't. So when i get up at 7, they are asleep. So am i supposed to sit there, and wait? In there minds, yes. Happy Mothers's Day...
I shaLL however, love my handmade cards, all the kisses, and the effort they will put into not fighting... and my gift from James Avery, that i didn't see them buy. Nor will i complain that they tried to buy it in silver instead of gold. Thus so they could keep the change and split it :) I love my kids.. and the fact that hubby knew they would try to keep the change.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Water fun...
It was definately warm enough to play in some water this weekend. We went the easy route with the slip n slide. They had to have the double lane one to race. It was so funny!! There is a little velcro flag that the winner grabs. When the one person slides across the water squirts the other. So funny, they were full on into the competitive mode. I think it is so funny the look on midget's face. She sticks her tongue out when she is concentrating. I guess she was!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Monkey's Video
Monkey makes these little movie's of himself skating. He posts them on this skateboarding site, and people give him tips and things. He's gotten really good at making these movies!
Since we've been in this house, we've had a small 8 by 8 patio. You couldn't walk out and stand because of our table. The grill didn't fit. If yanyone ate a hamburger off the grill, then you wouldn't fit either :) We finally got it expanded. Thanks to our favorite one man band Paulie. The realtor, contractor, music conesour, friend that we all adore :) Not to mention he is responsible for our favorite baby... We now have a HUGE patio with room for the table, grill, skateboarding and my soon to be favorite spot the hammock. With my super-cool clearance umbrella we will be spending lots of time out there. With the garden starting to go into full swing, and the cool evenings it's going to be a nice spot to relax.
If only there was a way to have an ez set pool without the giant crop circle being left...
So here are some pics of our patio, since our favorite dad isn't here to share my hammock :( But soon enough, midget will be getting the boot out of it. Oh, and dad.. the patio isn't at all like the old one at the other house. This one is so completely even it's amazing :) No small lakes, theese guys were awesome.
And i absolutely crack up over this picture of Monkey and Paulie's mini-me. He looks like a monkey picking bugs out of his fur. We got to watch him for a few minutes, and midget and monkey were in heaven. She got to push him in the stroller for a walk and thought it was the best day of her life. Monkey was trying to trade her for him... not so cool. I do get he loves the adoration from the little guy.
One last thing, monkey helped make dinner the other night. They really do eat more if they cook it. So he made the breadsticks. He put the herbs and butter on them. I won't say it's the same way i do it, and he doesn't eat them. That would be petty... but it is. They were the best ever :) He ate 4 of them! So he wanted me to take a pic to show everyone :)
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