Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas cheer...

can you feel the love :)

It was so crowded we had to go to the upper level :(

Our little singer, in her xmas hat!

Monkey and gang
Can't quite reach yet!

Gingerbread house, it was real, and there is someone in it!

So we have had a busy week, with another one to come. Midget sang with the school choir at one of the local hotels. Apparently that is what people do here? Strange, but it appears to be the norm. When you ask what people are doing, those who are staying anyway.. the answer seems to be going to one of the local hotels. These aren't like the local hotels back home, these are fancy, resort style hotels. They all seem to be having Santa Claus, or father Christmas for the British, and nice big dinners. I'm not sure i can do that, i mean Christmas is a ham or turkey dinner at home. But, this is the year of new, so who knows.
Midget's school choir did really well, i was very surprised. I know they had been rehearsing alot, and it showed. Now we have one more show during Monday morning for the primary years, where she will be dancing. I was overachieving and volunteered to make tutu's for the girls, not sure what i was thinking. So as we speak hubby is buying tulle. Then wed. evening at the end of term show, the choir will sing again, and monkey will be reciting My sammie with his 2 classmates. Fake liverpool accent and all!
So, we have the tree up, and a few presents bought. I have to wrap some still. So this will be our first xmas away from home, and it's a rather sad thing to endure! My first xmas in my life without my mom, and it's tough, as i knew it would be. But atleast the 4 of us are together, and that was the goal. I keep hearing about how bad the job market is back home. We have several friends who are not having luck finding jobs. They are being given out, but not at the pay they are used to. So the jobs are there, but not paying enough to support them. Rough times... So we are most thankful for our job out here! And the fact daddy is here every single night!


  1. Our little Midget is getting so big. Did you record any of the singing. If not please do for the next. I want to hear. Also, Monkey's My Sammie too. He is so cute with the mustachey thing.

  2. We did, he just put it up there for you :)
