We are in ballet mode this weekend. I am a bit miffed... We pay for classes every month, so someone please tell me why do I have to pay for her recital tickets? We have to pay for her costume, on 3 days notice no less! Plus tickets for us all to go! I've never had to pay before. Plus they are doing it two days in a row! This is pure craziness people! She's never tried her costume on, we've never even seen it before tomorrow. So the day of the recital she gets her costume, it's utter chaos.
I miss my structured teachers, you pay for the costume in installments 2 times a year, there are fittings a month or two ahead of time, and then the recital is free, cause i don't know, gee, it's a show to show you what they have learned. Ugh....
So we are not looking forward to this, as she has to be there at 11, and the show isn't until 6. So we will have one grumpy ballerina. Not to mention 2 days in a row? I wonder if i can bribe her to not go on Sat.... would that be wrong? :)
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