Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oh Pinterest...

How I love thee.... but how you are a blackhole of time!! I can sit down to look up one thing, and then find something else and then an hour later.... I think my hubby thinks it's a bit odd. I can go on there looking for the recipe for dinner, and then i'm calling him over to show him a watch he might like :) Well, see honey the lady who pinned the enchiladas also had a pin for these shoes, and that one had a pin for birthday ideas and then that one had a neat picture of a beach scene, and well they happen to have a whole board of watches... geez it's simple ;) I've been finding all kinds of neat stuff though. One is these handmade wands. Midget is loving harry potter since we read it recently. She had a wand from her bday my mom got her, but it's not something fun she made. So i think we will be doing this. We've found all kinds of fun things to do. Plus i found some really cute things for monkey's bday to make him feel special :)


  1. I love Pinterest. I waste way too much time one it, but damn its great for ideas!!

    We are Harry Potter fans in this house too. Ollie has his wand and griffindor cape, too cute!

  2. Oh how cute, we don't have a cape.... I think we need a cape now too:) They do have great ideas, and i wonder where they come up with some of them, shear genuis!
