We are stuck at home waiting for the people to come so I can sign papers on refinancing the house. Crummy timing :( We've seen all the good movies on the pay per view, played all the games, and are bored. Sad really, there is a house full of things to do, but now that i know we have to stay here and wait, i think the walls are closing in on us....
It's for a purpose, i must remind myself.
Since when is my sweet little midget such a tattle tale?? And when will my sweet little monkey learn the skill of being sneaky enough to get away with stuff? I seriously believe this is a skill, and other kids do just as many naughty things, they just know how to get away with it. He always gets caught. Is he just not quick enough or what?
Whenever I am stuck at home I can find nothing to do - when I am not at home I am thinking of all the things I have to do!!!