Look what I got today, how lucky am I? They are called fire and ice roses. I love them! And even better, they weren't dead, wink wink. He will get that. Aren't they absolutely beautiful? But honey, I don't have the hard part here. I've got 2 absolutely wonderful kids to keep my heart full. My mind a little scattered, yes. For every 3 things they do to drive me nuts, they do one small amazing thing to make me happy. This will pass, and will be a small memory soon. Besides, how many moms can say they know there kids as well as i know mine? You just caught me on a crazy day. It was our blah, vegetative day, formerly known as pajama day. I guess we could now call it midget dresses herself day :)
Thank you masterchief, ha ha.
I did watch a good movie on comcast, compliments of dh. Thank you. The family that preys. Very cute. Alfre woodard is in it, and she said something neat. Be careful how you talk to strangers, because they could always be an angel in diquise. I thought that was very sweet. Something to think about anyway. I try to be nice to everyone, and i try to teach the kids that. They seem to do so, if not too nice:) We are southern, so that is a big thing here.
They are just lovely - you are a lucky thing!
ReplyDeleteThat i am!