Saturday, May 14, 2011

So close... but not quite

Hubby was so close to getting back from his trip, but no.... his plane was late so he won't be here until tomorrow :( The kids were dissapointed, but it's only a day.
We've spent the weekend swimming and going to lunch with some friends. We went to play nerfish paintball. You shoot the nerf balls, (as they were too young for the little rubber balls, thank goodness!). It adds a little oomph with a big puff of air. Of course leave it to the monkey to figure out if you take the attachment off you can still shoot the little rubber balls... It was fun though!
The guy seemed a bit surprised i wanted to do it.... Uh yes, i have lots of pent up aggression to get out!
She's ready for some revenge!
Hiding in the bags and behind the walls like in the games...
Does he not look like he's got an evil plan ready to go?
Those are the little rubber balls, and the nerf balls. He was trying to get to use those, but they hurt!


  1. Ok, thats it, whens your birthday, I'm getting y'all a better camera.

  2. I know, those were with my phone... Tell Adam i need a new one though, i know just the one ;)
    p.s. 45 days!!!
