Thursday, February 26, 2009

Darth Princess.....

My poor baby girl is sick. She has strep throat, and is miserable. What is really sad is her heavy breathing. It's beacause of her tonsils, and they should have come out last year. She was sick, and they said it would be best if we got them out. When we went to do it, she had strep again, and they can't do it if you do. We waited, she felt better and we put it off. She was not feeling bad, and it was okay until the cold/strep season arrived again. It is like Edgar Allen Poe's Tell tale heart. Her breathing can be heard all over the house. God forgive me, but it is so annoying. I know she can't help it. I know it is my fault. But it s like living with Darth Vader. you can hear her downstairs if she is playing upstairs. You can hear her across the house. It is like her breathing is the heart beat in Poe's story screaming at us..
"you should have taken my tonsils out"
"you should have taken my tonsils out"
over and over.
Poor little princess. She went to the dr with her dad and that is a whole other issue. The dr said yes, she has strep. Yes her tonsils are huge and need to come out. Then she says do you want medicine or a shot. They know, she has had so much wrong in her little life, and taken so much medicine. She shuts down. she isn't the screaming kid who you can get a football hold and squirt it in. She is on a whole other level. She has not taken medicine in 2 years. The dr asks, and she said, i will take a shot. Weird. So she did. Poor little girl. She did get a cool sticker. Which she has issues with, she associates them with bad things at the dr, but her dad got her to take it, he liked it. She prefers the upfront dr's who don't do the whole mushy fun bit. Get to the chase with her, and don't play games. Her brother, he want's the sticker and the games :-)

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