Sunday, June 28, 2009

Doll and Bear B-day

Today was a big day in our house, it was the doll's and soldier bear's bday. So we had birthday cake and sang to them. Why not? It's much more fun than doing the stuff i should be doing. We had lots of fun, and honored those special friends. Can i just say that even after all these years, monkey still loves soldier bear :) So sweet.
Not to mention how incredibly happy such a simple thing made midget, even monkey. I think he thinks i've gone off the deep end, but he came along for the ride :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Swimming Lessons...

The kids have had 2 swimming lessons. Monkey took from this wonderful woman when he was 6. She is amazing!! She has a red-headed daughter, so she adores midget. She can be firm, but she is so sweet too. Monkey swims all over the pool, he is a great swimmer. Midget couldn't swim really at all, and now she can!! She even jumped off the board and swam to the side. Monkey was even helping her. He loves the water, so i am glad she does too. That gives us something fun to do in this 104 dewgree weather :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

spashing around

Yes, it is as fun as it looks. Yes, my son is a goofball. They had so much fun though. That thing the midget was under was so neat. The kids were all waiting to get under it, exceot this ginormous boy was under it with his little friend forever! Finally when he got off i grabbed midget and said grabit quick!! By the time the monkey and his friend got there there were so many kids they didn't fit. It's so neat though, you get under the bubble of water, and stay dry. the kids were mesmerized by it. Monkey kept splahing me thinking he was being sneaky, but at 98 degress, please splash me. :) Don't tell him though.

Friday, June 19, 2009

i am a genius...

what, you don't believe me? Then you must know me, because i am not :) I( am the same person who can split my hand open and end up needing surgery, because i split it on a toilet of all things.
somehow i think that any accident involving a toilet puts you out of the genius category. So putting a freezer drawer in backwards should not surprise you. I got the thing jammed, had to ask my wonderful father in law to come help us. of course i spend two hours trying, had food melting, and how long does it take him? 2 minutes. how does it always end up like that? Takes him 45 minutes to get here, and 2 to fix it.
The roofers from after hurricane ike didn't fix our roof to windstorm standards. so we may have to have roofers fix the roof that was fixed from the hurrican. Seems rather unfair to me. We had it fixed already... ripoff roofers i suppose. i am guessing that is why they wanted them inspected as it was done, had been nice to know that to start with.
So now, i shall go to my happy place. Thinking of our vacation, and seeing that wonderful man of mine. The kids are getting excited. I think i am more excited because i know what an amazing trip this is. I've never been to disneyworld. I always hated being the one kid in class who had never been. So i am so excited that the kids can go. Midget and i keep joking that the first ride we are running to is the one i have ALWAYS wanted to ride. No laughing, the Dumbo ride. I love Dumbo, so i have always wanted to ride that. So now she is all excited to ride it with me. She's so cute. We are getting the package rate, so we coudln't extednd the hotel stay without messing that up. So i found the coolest hotel!! The nickelodean hotel.. Who knew??
It has a waterpark at the hotel, they do shows, and best of all you can slime people!!! The kids and i have big plans for daddy :) We will be there on his bday, so that night is free!! That always helps. The kids can even have their birthday with spongebob. He walks all around. So much nicer to think of these things. We can't wait!!

30 more days.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

one less body part

The Midget had her tonsils out on Tuesday. Poor little princess. grammie came with us, and she did as well as can be expected. She's doing great now, minus the medicine part. She really hates that, but who doesn't. Only 5 more days of it. Or is it 6? Let's go with 5 :)
It goes like this.... water with ice, whine....water with ice....whine...water with ice, bite of ice cream - whine... medcine. Scream, cry- ice cream. whine...whine...whine...
We've got it down now, don't you think??

planes, boats, and camels :)

Guess where these 4 redheads will be on july 21????

Then on July 23....

and on the 26th....

And on the 27th, insert pale redheads with oodles of sunscreen and one mom with the awful mom-hat here :)

And on the 3oth you know where.....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

it's over!! Summer started!!!

The school year is done!! The kids did wonderfully:) The monkey got all A's this time, and for the final grades for the year are all A's and one B, a 89. Can you believe that. one point!!!!
Midget got all E's, and awards for her reading, and her all E's inconduct, and the cooperative award. That's a new one, never heard of that one. It's good though, strange.
The monkey got a creative award, for finding cvreative solutions, and lookaing at the world with creativity. I feel the need to hug a tree :) He got the award for being on the honor roll too. Smart cookies, arne't they?
So in honor of summer starting we hit the splash pad, that was fun. They had a sleepover at a friends. Midgets first ever, sniff sniff...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Field Day

Last friday was field day for the kids school. Midget loved it, the monkey had some fun. They got stuck going to the outside part at the hottest part of the day. That was miserable! So, midget got the outside part first thing in the morning, that was alot better for her grade. They had lots of fun though, and were both really tired by bedtime. Hence the top picture of little midget passed out, and the poor monkey in the heat :)