Monday, December 6, 2010

So much FUN!!!

People handing out cans and walking around :)

Uncle B, here is that car :)

That is a flat screen tv scrolling pictures of the Skeik, surrounded with flowers.

can you imagine?


the palace was all decked out in their colors

fireworks from the restuarant.

We had the absolute funnest time ever!! We went out for National Day, and when they say getting there is half the fun, i get it now! Now there were some flashbacks to evacuating for the hurricane though... that wasn't fun. But hsd we gotten to evacuate with silly string, confetti poppers, inflatable hand clappers and music, it would have been:) The road to the nice restaurant we were meeting friends at to watch the fireworks from, was packed with people. We had no idea! There were cars decked out in stickers with the country colors, hearts, huge stick on's of the sheik zayed. It was so fun to watch. There were feather boa flags even on hoods!! Gotta love these people's sense of style. Makes me wonder if they weren't covered up in solid black dresses and white shirts what would they wear?
They were spraying foam and silly string on each other's cars, hanging out of the sunroofs. They were even spraying inside the roofs! It was nice though, most would ask if they could spray your car :) we caved and i am so glad we did, because we had two of the happiest kids on earth! Disneyworld was great, but i am not sure, i think a case of silly string and some silly string wars might be close for our kids :) Of course as they hung out the sun roof, in true form, they were fighting over who was taking up more room, really??? Why??
But people were so nice, they handed the kids can's of string, and a huge popper to pop. All these people were just giving stuff to our kids, that is nice :) So we had a blast getting to the restaurant. Once we were there, we rode the elevator to the 55th story restaurant, it spins. We had a perfect view of what they called the worlds biggest fireworks show. It was big, and we had the perfect view. But we are from texas, and i think we've had bigger :) The kids then switched, midget went home with our friends for a sleepover, and monkey's friend came home with us. The partiers were still out, and foam was given, and sprayed. Until... dad could take no more and put the window locks on, and closed the sunroof:( partypooper.
So next year, we will be ready for this night!!!


  1. Looks like fun. It is so nice to see people having fun and not worrying about bad people doing something. Those were the days. I envy you.

  2. You guys are always welcome:) My hints are getting less subtle... We were just worrying about inhaling silly string fumes :)
    We miss you guys, and love you all.

  3. What an awesome day, so patriotic.
