Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

Today all the kids went back to school. I was so not ready for my little man to go to middle school. Oddly enough, the boys all looked the same but the girls were so much bigger! I guess they are at the age they are growing quicker than the boys. Scary.... He was glad to see a friend in his class, and was excited to go and see what all middle school is about. His teacher seems really neat. The principal was amazingly nice! I don't want to see her though ;)
Midget was all geared up for 1st grade, and has some girls she knows in there. Her teacher is really nice also. She even sent a postcard saying she's glad ot have her in her class. Alot of teachers seem to do that, nice i think. I was glad to see her so excited to go back. Shei s reading so well, so i know she's going to love 1st grade. She was super cool in her monkey look alike vans. He is always wearing is vans, so she found some that are purple with blue and green hearts. She is super cool in them, and drove her brother crazy saying"see they are like yours!". He played it off though. He even gave her a hug and kiss goodbye at school. I love those two :)

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest kids. Hope the first week back has been fabulous.
