Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Loving my little man...

So with monkey being 12, going on 25 he is wanting to hang with his friends more, and play games. I get that. So the moments when he sits and chats are so much more special. I do have to admit we've been crazy busy, and every time i take the time and sit and talk, he wants to talk. So it's neglect on my part too. But sometimes he amazes me, and i just want to hug him and squeeze him and put him in a jar to keep him like this forever. That sounds creepy, i don't mean it in a creepy way :) I love, love, love poetry and reading. I've always been a book nerd, and poems were really the first things i remember reading and thinking wow, that is so beautiful. So i remember in 3rd grade memorizing Emily Dickenson's poem this is my letter to the world. He had read it in school, so he wanted to talk about it. So then he says they were reading Edgar Allen Poe. I think, dark but I love him too. So I just had seen a play of the tell-tale heart. It was the neatest thing, but so creepy. They had it dark with red lights, and the heart beat throughout the whole theater. He wants to see it :) Can you tell we were looking for papers today and came across baby pictures? I'm just a wee-bit sappy.... Not to mention field day for him. None of the kids wanted to go??!! There was a line to pick them up early? What's up with that? Granted it was hot, and didn't look all that fun, but it's field day....


  1. Awww I can't believe how he is growing up and I can't help but think that will be me one day. I love my little conversations with Ollie boy, I hope they last forever.

  2. I know! It is bittersweet. Keep him small while you can:) But the conversations are pretty amazing. Hard to believe that it's the same little baby that used to go around babbling... If you figure out how to stop time let me know!
