Thursday, April 14, 2011

The cute, the furry, and the floaters.

The kids and I have been a bit bored on this never-ending term break. I can't believe how long this break is! It's 17 days, that's a long time. So we decided to liven things up a bit and go the the Kids Park Zoo that is right here in Abu Dhabi. I have mixed feelings about the place. Yes, it has potential to be nice. However, the billy goat, if that is what it was with his head stuck in gate was a bit concerning for the kids. I felt so bad for the adorable Brown Bear, who was walking laps, 17 which we counted, in the heat. I guess we were comparing it to the Houston Zoo, which was so nice. There was a school with local kids there, and the kids were shoving mine out of the way. They did have some super-cute monkeys, and some beautiful white tigers though. The kids had a great time feeding the baby goats. For 3 dirhams a bottle they got to feed them a bottle. The guy let them out and they followed the kids making baby goat noises. So adorable.... Sadly then, Monkey asked if they starved them so they would eat the bottles from the people. A little too wise for his own good.. They looked healthy though, and were so cute.
Then we got to the duck pond, and midget was saying how cute, then monkey comes out with is that duck dead? Ummm.... well, you have a floater mr. zooman......
I tried to walk off before we had to see the man with a broom and dustpan scoop it up in front of the kids. He didn't seem surprised.. scary.
Overall thought, it was fun for the kids. A nice way to spend the morning :)
Be warned... cuteness below!

The blue on this bird, was amazing...

Monkey said, "Take a picture mom, and be sure to say look guys, we cornered a helpless peacock in an alleyway" :)

I think Monkey is getting hair tips from him :)

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? I see a bear making laps, training for a marathon.
Itty-bitty baby monkey, so cute!
People, we have a floater....

Stuck goat?


  1. That duck...he sure looks quiet, been holding his breath for a long time too. You sure they aren't just letting you help fatten the goats up for cabrito gyros later?

  2. He was very quiet.... even when the guy scooped him into the dustpan... not a quack. RIP poor duckie. I wouldn't doubt it for the gyros... eewww..
