Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On the hob...

So, i have looked this term up, and this is what it says..
1. (Cookery) the flat top part of a cooking stove, or a separate flat surface, containing hotplates or burners
I learned that from my British version of our families favorite butter and herb noodles. We found them in British form, and therefore costing half of the American version. Score one for mom!
So here are some pics of the FABULOUS spice section at our local Carrefour store. Its somewhere between a wal-mart and target, but not quite either. But the spice section is just amazing. I got some fresh cinnamon, lemon salt (not sure what to do with it, but it sounds promising!), and basil. And i have to say, the car smelled so good on the way home!

Then i made it to the other side to the olives. There is a restaurant back home that has these fabulous greek salad's. They have these kalamata olives in them. I didn't know that was the name, until the lovely man behind the counter told me. we used to fight for the olives, my mom and I. They never had enough, so i bought some, and they were 6 dirhams! That's about $1.50. I get the feeling i am going to get a stomach ache eating these....

And this is midget and monkey's new favorite snack. Something I don't think they ever would have picked back home. Our polish neighbor gave it to them once, and they loved it. Pepperoni/salami on a dinner roll. Go figure? But they love it:)

And lastly, my one tearful moment in the store. I couldn't believe it when i saw it.... Blue Bell!!!


  1. Spices, olives, salami, icecream.....ahhhh you are talking my language.

    The lemon salt sounds fabulous - I think it would be perfect with some chicken or fish, don't you?

  2. Oh it would! Fish we have here... granted they still have eyeballs looking at you :)

  3. You mean it was possible that there might not be Bluebell there?? shudder!!
